New Hampshire

The “Live Free or Die” state has one of the largest state legislative bodies in the world at 400 seats and has flipped back and forth between Democratic and Republican majorities during special elections in the last 2 years. With Sununu’s retirement, Democrats have a real opportunity to take back the Governor’s seat.

Congressional Primary: September 10

General Election: November 5

Early Voting: None

Contact Our New Hampshire Action Team Leader:

Races We’re Targeting in New Hampshire


Our candidate: Joe Biden (D)
Electoral College Votes: 4

2020 Results:
Joe Biden (D) 52.7%

Donald Trump (R) 45.4%
Margin of Victory: 59,277 votes

State Legislature


2-seat Republican majority
Democrat: 195
Republican: 201
Independent: 2
Vacant: 2


4-seat Republican majority
Democrat: 10
Republican: 14